

Why is NdFeB called "magnetic king"?

  Artificial magnets appeared in the eighteenth Century, but the process of making higher magnetic materials was slow until 1920s. Then, in 1948, made of  ferrite, created in 70s (SmCo), samarium cobalt rare earth magnet Nd-Fe-B magnet was born in 1986, this is the world's strongest magnet up to now. The physical magnetic technology has been rapid development of NdFeB magnet materials also makes the components more compact, and quickly spread in the industry, China Nd-Fe-B magnet industry ushered in the rapid development of the new world.     First, NdFeB , simply speaking, is a magnet, and we usually see the difference is that the magnet, because of its excellent magnetic properties and  called "magnetic king."". Neodymium iron boron contains a large number of rare earth elements neodymium, iron and boron, its characteristics are hard and brittle. Because the surface is easily oxidized and corroded, NdFeB must be treated with surface coating. Surface chemica


     在18世纪就出现了人造的磁铁,但制造更高磁力材料的过程却十分缓慢,直到20世纪20年代制造出铝镍钴。随后,1948年制造出了铁氧体,70年代制造出稀土磁铁钐钴(SmCo),1986年钕铁硼强力磁铁诞生,这是迄今为止世界上最强的磁铁。至此,物理磁学科技得到了飞速的发展,钕铁硼强力磁铁的材料也使得元件更加小型化,并很快在业界推广开来,中国钕铁硼强力磁铁行业迎来了快速发展的新天地。   一、钕铁硼强力磁铁,简单来讲是一种磁铁,和我们平时见到的磁铁所不同的是,其因优异的磁性能而被称为“磁王”。钕铁硼中含有大量的稀土元素钕、以及铁及硼,其特性硬而脆。由于表面极易被氧化腐蚀,钕铁硼必须进行表面涂层处理。表面化学钝化是很好的解决方法之一。   二、钕铁硼作为稀土永磁材料的一种具有极高的磁能积和矫顽力,同时高能量密度的优点使钕铁硼永磁材料在现代工业和电子技术中获得了广泛应用,从而使仪器仪表、电声电机、磁选磁化等设备的小型化、轻量化、薄型化成为可能。钕铁硼的优点是性价比高,具良好的机械特性;不足之处在于工作温度低,温度特性差,且易于粉化腐蚀,必须通过调整其化学成分和采取表面处理方法使之得以改进,才能达到实际应用的要求。   三、钕铁硼磁性材料,作为稀土永磁材料发展的最新结果,由于其优异的磁性能而被称为“磁王”。钕铁硼磁性材料是镨钕金属,硼铁等的合金。又称磁钢。钕铁硼具有极高的磁能积和矫力,同时高能量密度的优点使钕铁硼永磁材料在现代工业和电子技术中获得了广泛应用,从而使仪器仪表、电声电机、磁选磁化等设备的小型化、轻量化、薄型化成为可能。烧结钕铁硼永磁材料具有优异的磁性能,广泛应用于电子、电力机械、医疗器械、玩具、包装、五金机械、航天航空等领域,较常见的有永磁电机、扬声器、磁选机、计算机磁盘驱动器、磁共振成像设备仪表等。


  The average American consumer probably has never heard of neodymium. But that substance — along with other so-called rare earth elements — is essential to the functioning of technologies we take for granted on a daily basis.   Rare-earths refer to 17 naturally occurring chemical elements on the periodic table. Despite the name, they aren’t particularly rare, existing in relative abundance in the earth’s crust. Cerium, an oxidizing agent, is as plentiful as copper, while radioactive promethium is the least common.   These elements typically occur together in nature and are difficult to separate from one another. The mining process is costly, time-consuming, and often involves a technique known as open-pit mining that creates huge holes and disrupts the surrounding ecosystem. Such a process was used at mountain pass, the last remaining US rare-earth mine before it was shuttered in 2002.   In a drastic shift, the US went from being the leading producer of rare-earths to h
2017年全球高性能钕铁硼行业发展趋势及市场供需预测 来源: 中国投资咨询网    2016 年全球钕铁硼总产量为 14.6 万吨左右, 其中,中国钕铁硼产能为 13 万吨左右,占全球的比例为 89%。就具体品种看,当前烧结钕铁硼材料占据钕铁硼主要市场,占比为 94%左右。2001——2016 年全球烧结钕铁硼产量的年均复合增长率为 16%。   数据来源:公开资料整理   2015 年全球高性能钕铁硼需求约 5.47 万吨,同比增加 12%,预计到 2020 年行业需求将达 到 9.2 万吨,年均复合增速为 12%左右。目前国内钕铁硼 的总产能高达 30 万吨,过剩的产能绝大部分集中在钕铁硼的低端消费领域。   钕铁硼制造工艺繁琐,需要长时间的技 术积累才能获得稳定的质量和较高的成材率。另外,汽车 EPS 领域对安全 性能的要求高,因此产品质量要求高,进入供应链需要经过周期长达 2 年 以上的质量认证。总体而言,稳定的竞争格局和壁垒的存在避免了无序的 竞争,也保证了钕铁硼制造商在行业环境差的时候依然保持一定盈利能力。   1、钕铁硼在传统汽车的主要应用为 EPS 转向系统。每台 EPS 系统需 0.15kg 钕 铁硼成品磁体,折合毛坯 0.25kg 左右,以全球 2016 年汽车产量 9498 万辆 和 EPS 系统 50%的渗透率计算,全球 EPS 系统毛坯钕铁硼消费量至少在 1.18 万吨。汽车的转向系统对汽车操纵稳定性和安全性起着关键的作用。HPS 转 向系统是靠发动机驱动,液压助力,该系统技术成熟,但是部件多、体积 大、重量重。EPS 转向系统完全由电子控制伺服电机驱动,具有结构紧凑、 高效可靠、节能环保、安全性高等多重优点,未来将逐步替代 HPS 系统已 经成为了市场的共识。   随着中高端车型对汽车的稳定性和安全性要求的提高,EPS 在全球传统汽车 中的渗透率逐步从 2010 年的 9%增加至当前的 50%左右。EPS 系统在国内汽 车中的渗透率目前为 40-45%之间,而欧美市场 EPS 的渗透率已经在 80%以 上,日本更是达到了 90%,因此,国内的 EPS 市场还有很大的增长空间。根 据以下假设条件:1)2017 和 2018 年国内汽车年产量同比增速为 5%,全球 汽车年产量同比增速为 4%;2)国内

Global High Performance NdFeB industry trends and forecast of supply and demand in 2017

  In 2016, the total output of NdFeB was about 146 thousand tons, of which China's NdFeB production capacity was about 130 thousand tons, accounting for 89% of the world. On the specific varieties, the current sintered NdFeB material occupies NdFeB major market, accounting for about 94%. 2001 - in 2016, the average annual growth rate of global sintered NdFeB was 16%.   In 2015, the global demand for high performance NdFeB was about 54 thousand and 700 tons, an increase of 12% compared with the same period. It is estimated that the industry demand will reach 92 thousand tons by 2020, with an average annual growth rate of around 12%. At present, the total capacity of NdFeB in China is as high as 300 thousand tons, and the vast majority of excess production capacity is concentrated in the low-end consumption areas of ndfeb.   The manufacturing technology of NdFeB is very complicated, and it needs a long time of technology accumulation to obtain stable quality and higher yield.